Sniffing with electrical nose

Electronic nose - Wikipedia
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Smell is one of the important characterstic of any matter to mark its presence in surrounding,  thanks to evolution that has given the ablity to observe this characterstic. Extending this extraordinary ablity the researchers and engineers have come up with the idea of electrical nose, it is a device which mimic the functionality of human nose, and provide even better and more precise sense of smell. It is an intellingent device using array of sensors along with pattern recognisation component, it provides benifits to varity of commercial industry, agriculture, biomedicals, researches, defense system. 

How it works?

What is Electronic Nose (enose): Working Principle and Applications
Image by elprocus

The working of electrical nose is based on three primary components, sample delivery system, detection system and computing system.

Sample delivery System

The sample delivery system enables the generation of headspace of sample or volatile compounds which is a fraction analyzed. The system then sends this head space into the detection system of the electronic nose.

Detection System

The detection system which consists of a group of sensors is the reactive part of the instrument. When in contact with volatile compounds at that time the sensors reacts causing changes in electrical characteristics.

Computing System

In most electronic noses each sensor is sensitive to all molecules in their specific way. However in bioelectric noses the receptor proteins which respond to specific smell molecules are used. Most of electronic noses use sensor arrays that react to volatile compounds. Whenever the sensors sense any smell , a specific response is recorded that signal is transmitted into the digital value.


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